9-1-1 Inside: A Call to Action

This article  published thanks to Safer Buildings Coalition. 

The FCC estimates that a one-minute improvement in 9-1-1 response time would save 10,000 lives in the US. in a phrase: Time Is Life. At our 2024 Member's Meeting and Dinner at IWCE in March, SBC Founder Seth Buechley announced a bold Safer Buildings Coalition Call to Action: Setting the expectation that calls and texts to emergency services initiated from inside buildings should always get through, with clarity and accurate location. We have adopted the rallying cry:  9-1-1 Inside.

Implicit in this call to action are some key ideas:

  • Solutions and the Workforce must scale to provide ubiquitous in-building connectivity – currently both technology and the workforce are overmatched by the scope of the problem
  • A technology-agnostic approach is needed to drive down cost and increase scalability – including self-deployed solutions
  • Solutions should both drive and leverage global standards to maximize interoperability, economies of scale, and to attract innovation and investment
  • The business model must also be innovated – including market-driven and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) frameworks
  • “Broadband First” and convergence technology roadmaps are key to achieving the biggest impact
  • Solutions should be integrated “end to end,” meaning solutions must encompass 9-1-1 caller / incident origination, to NG 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Center, to Responding Agencies

Learn more about 911 Inside and the call to action on the Safer Buildings Coalition website.


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